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Chinese translation from Modern English to Chinese dictionary online for the word Shame:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
blush with shame 汗颜
不愧不怍 不愧不怍 bu kui bu zuo ; no shame , no subterfuge (idiom) ; just and honorable ; upright and above board ;
不知羞恥 不知羞耻 bu zhi xiu chi ; to have no sense of shame ; brazen ;
不要臉 不要脸 bu yao lian ; have no sense of shame ; shameless ;
含垢忍辱 含垢忍辱 han gou ren ru ; to bear shame and humiliation (idiom) ;
問心無愧 问心无愧 wen xin wu kui ; lit . look into one's heart , no shame (idiom) ; with a clear conscience ;
奇恥大辱 奇耻大辱 qi chi da ru ; extraordinary shame and humiliation (idiom) ;
好學近乎知,力行近乎仁,知恥近乎勇 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇 hao xue jin hu5 zhi , li xing jin hu5 ren , zhi chi jin hu5 yong ; to love learning is akin to knowledge , to study diligently is akin to benevolence , to know shame is akin to courage
好意思 好意思 hao yi si5 ; to have the nerve ; what a cheek! ; to feel no shame ; to overcome the shame ; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question) ;
家醜不可外傳,流言切莫輕信 家丑不可外传,流言切莫轻信 jia chou bu ke wai chuan , liu yan qie mo qing xin ; Don't spread abroad the shame of the family , don't believe rumors lightly (common expression) ; Don't wash your dirty linen in public , don't liste
尤詬 尤诟 you gou ; shame ; disgrace ;
廉恥 廉耻 lian chi ; honor and shame ; sense of honour ;
徒呼負負 徒呼负负 tu hu fu fu ; to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom) ;
忝 忝 tian ; to shame ;
恥 耻 chi ; shame ; disgrace ;

English to Chinese Dictionary

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