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Close Match and Related Words
BÁCHHAṚ ਬਾਛਡ਼ Rain driving against a building ; rain falling aslant , wind and rain ; (met .) the rushing together of men from every direction ; Váchhaṛ .
BAGAL ਬਗਲ Armpit , side , gusset in the armpit of a garment ; an enclosure ; a piece of ground ; a wall , a hedge ; enclosure:—bagal-bajáuṉá , To flap the arms against the sides ; (met .) to be highly pleased , to be triumphant , to jeer , to jest:—bagal
BÁGHÍ ਬਾਘੀ A bubo ; striking the arms against the sides to manifest joy:—bághí páuṉí , To flap the arms against the sides , at the same time making a loud tremulous sound (done by beggars to excite compassion .)
BHAṚAUTÍ ਭਡ਼ੌਤੀ Advising against any measure , or in opposition to the will of another , giving contrary advice ; bhaṛáuṉí .
BIRUDDH ਬਿਰੁਧੱ Opposite , adverse , contradictory ;—ad . On the contrary , in opposition , against ; Viruddh .
BISÁKHÍ ਬਿਸਾਖੀ Corrupted from the Sanskrit Visákhí . The name of the first day of the month Bisákh ; a fair held on that day in different towns of the Panjab ; a bamboo for supporting khas dí ṭaṭṭís put against doors in the hot weather .
CHAPEṚNÁ ਚਪੇਡ਼ਨਾ To slap to throw with the hand (as mud against a wall): Chameṛná .
CHÚṆ ਚੂੰ A creaking sound produced by friction against any hard metal , a sound produced by breaking wind:—ad . Why , wherefore ;—v . n . To question , to object:—chúṇ-cháṇ , The sound made by children beginning to speak ; the peeping of chickens ; refusa
DAMIYÁ ਦਮੀਯਾ A small spinous weed (Fagonia cretica .) common in most parts of the Panjab plains . The plant is given as a febrifuge and tonic , and in the Peshawar valley it is administered to children as a prophylactic against small-pox .
DAROHAL ਦਰੋਹਲ Rubbing the palm of the hand against the face of a person , which is a very gross insult . It is an aggravated form of Bujjá .
DHAMÁ ਧਮਾ A small spinous weed (Fagonia cretica) common in most parts of the Panjab plains . The plant is given as a febrifuge and tonic , and in the Peshawar Valley it is administered to children as a prophylactic against small-pox .
DHARNÁ ਧਰਨਾ To put or set down , to place , to keep , to locate ; to set (a vessel) on fire for cooking ; to bring an action against , to bring to trial ;—s . Sitting at one's door fasting in order to extort some favour:—agge dharná , See agge láuṉá in Ag
DHARWÁUṈÁ ਧਰਵਾਉਣਾ Caus . of Dharná , To bring an action against , to bring to trial ; to cause to set a cooking vessel on fire ; to cause to put or place .
ḌHUḌ ਢੁ਼ਡ Butting , knocking against , striking a blow ; márni .
ḌHUḌH ਢੁਢ Butting , knocking against , striking a blow ; márni .

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