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English translation from Modern English to English dictionary online for the word poem:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Poem : (n.) A composition , not in verse , of which the language is highly imaginative or impassioned ; as , a prose poem ; the poems of Ossian .
Poem : (n.) A metrical composition ; a composition in verse written in certain measures , whether in blank verse or in rhyme , and characterized by im
Poematic : (a.) Pertaining to a poem , or to poetry ; poetical .
Acrostic : (n.) A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as Psalm cxix.). See Abecedarian.
Aeneid : (n.) The great epic poem of Virgil, of which the hero is Aeneas.
Amoebaeum : (n.) A poem in which persons are represented at speaking alternately; as the third and seventh eclogues of Virgil.
Anacreontic : (n.) A poem after the manner of Anacreon; a sprightly little poem in praise of love and wine.
Ballad : (n.) A popular kind of narrative poem , adapted for recitation or singing ; as , the ballad of Chevy Chase ; esp. , a sentimental or romantic
Ballad : (n.) A popular kind of narrative poem , adapted for recitation or singing ; as , the ballad of Chevy Chase ; esp. , a sentimental or romantic
Bucolic : (n.) A pastoral poem , representing rural affairs , and the life , manners , and occupation of shepherds ; as , the Bucolics of Theocritus a
Bucolic : (n.) A pastoral poem , representing rural affairs , and the life , manners , and occupation of shepherds ; as , the Bucolics of Theocritus a
Cantata : (n.) A poem set to music ; a musical composition comprising choruses , solos , interludes , etc. , arranged in a somewhat dramatic manner ;
Canto : (n.) One of the chief divisions of a long poem ; a book .
Cid : (n.) An epic poem , which celebrates the exploits of the Spanish national hero , Ruy Diaz .
Composition : (n.) The invention or combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse , or of a work of art ; as , the composition of a poem

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