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Pali translation from Modern English to Pali dictionary online for the word feet:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
bangle for feet : nūpura .
stock : sannidhi ; sañcaya ; anvaya ; vaṃsa ; saṃvaḍḍhita-pasugaṇa ; khandha ; daṇḍa ; khāṇuka . mūladhana . (for feet : ) suruṅgā . sañcināti ; samāharati ; rāsīkaroti . sañcita ; samāhaṭa ; rāsīkata || laughing stock: parihāsaṭṭhāna-vatthu .
निगळ ; nigaḷa ; a chain for the feet of an elephant .
नूपुरो ; nūpuro ; An ornament for the feet , an anklet
पज्ज ; pajja ; 1 . a verse ; a poem ; 2 . something good for feet . road ; path .
पादक ; pādaka ; having feet or a basis ; foundation or a basis .
पादकठलिका ; pādakaṭhalikā ; a wooden block to wash feet on .
पादपुंछन ; pādapuñchana ; a matting for wiping feet .
पादमूलिक ; pādamūlika ; a servant ; one who sits at one's feet .
पादमूले ; pādamūle ; at the feet .
पादसम्बाहन ; pādasambāhana ; massaging of feet .
पादोदक ; pādodaka ; water for washing feet .
ब्यामो ; byāmo ; A fathom of about 6 feet , being the distance between the tips of the fingers of the two hands when the arms are extended
महाथूपो ; mahāthūpo ; The Great Dagoba . This is the name of a gigantic bell-shaped relic shrine built at Anurādhapura by King Duṭṭhagāmiṇī about 160 years B .C . It is still standing , though its outline is much injured , and is 150 feet in height
राजहंस ; rājahaṃsa ; royal swan (whose beak and feet are red .)

English to Pali Dictionary

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