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English translation from Modern English to English dictionary online for the word Sex:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Sex : (n.) One of the groups founded on this distinction .
Sex : (n.) One of the two divisions of organic beings formed on the distinction of male and female .
Sex : (n.) The capability in plants of fertilizing or of being fertilized ; as , staminate and pistillate flowers are of opposite sexes .
Sex : (n.) The distinguishing peculiarity of male or female in both animals and plants ; the physical difference between male and female ; the assembl
Sex- : A combining form meaning six ; as , sexdigitism ; sexennial .
Sexagenarian : (n.) A person who is sixty years old .
Sexagenary : (a.) Pertaining to , or designating , the number sixty ; poceeding by sixties ; sixty years old .
Sexagenary : (n.) A sexagenarian .
Sexagenary : (n.) Something composed of sixty parts or divisions .
Sexagesima : (n.) The second Sunday before Lent ; -- so called as being about the sixtieth day before Easter .
Babe : (n.) An infant ; a young child of either sex ; a baby .
Babe : (n.) An infant ; a young child of either sex ; a baby .
Baby : (n.) An infant or young child of either sex ; a babe .
Baby : (n.) An infant or young child of either sex ; a babe .
Citizen : (n.) A person , native or naturalized , of either sex , who owes allegiance to a government , and is entitled to reciprocal protection from

English to English dictionary

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