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English translation from Modern English to English dictionary online for the word Shock:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Shock : (a.) Bushy ; shaggy ; as , a shock hair .
Shock : (n.) A dog with long hair or shag ; -- called also shockdog .
Shock : (n.) A lot consisting of sixty pieces ; -- a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods .
Shock : (n.) A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain , as wheat , rye , or the like , set up in a field , the sheaves varying in number from twelve t
Shock : (n.) A quivering or shaking which is the effect of a blow , collision , or violent impulse ; a blow , impact , or collision ; a concussion ; a
Shock : (n.) A sudden agitation of the mind or feelings ; a sensation of pleasure or pain caused by something unexpected or overpowering ; also , a su
Shock : (n.) A sudden depression of the vital forces of the entire body , or of a port of it , marking some profound impression produced upon the nerv
Shock : (n.) A thick mass of bushy hair ; as , a head covered with a shock of sandy hair .
Shock : (n.) The sudden convulsion or contraction of the muscles , with the feeling of a concussion , caused by the discharge , through the animal sys
Shock : (v. i.) To be occupied with making shocks .
Break : (v. t.) To diminish the force of ; to lessen the shock of , as a fall or blow .
Break : (v. t.) To diminish the force of ; to lessen the shock of , as a fall or blow .
Brunt : (v. t.) The force of a blow ; shock ; collision .
Brunt : (v. t.) The force of a blow ; shock ; collision .
Brush : (n.) A skirmish ; a slight encounter ; a shock or collision ; as , to have a brush with an enemy .

English to English dictionary

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