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Marathi translation from Modern English to Marathi dictionary online for the word Knot:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
knotty : गाठाळ , (समस्या ) , गुंतागुंतीचे , जटिल
knot : गाठ , गाठ बांधणे , गाठ मारणे , गाठी करणे , नॉटिकल मैल
चोरगांठ : A concealed knot .
टेंबूस : A bump , a knot , a mound .
खूणगांठ : A knot tied to aid remembrance .
गुंजट , गुंजा़ट : A knot or knob on wood . a Knotted .
गूथ : Combings of the hair . A knot or tangle (in cord).
गठ्ठीजोड : (That adds knot to knot.) A saver or hoarder , a miser .
ग्रंथि : ग्रंथिका A knot . A tie . A perplexity , any tangle or snare .
खोंपा : A certain knot of the hair and on the very crown . A bird's nest . A hollow in a tree . A hood shading plantlets .
इद्रायतक्षकायस्वाहा : To cut the Gordian knot by dealing one comprehensive blow at the protector and the thing or object protected .
गांठणें , गांठविणें : Knot , connect with a knot . Pop upon , catch in the act , intercept unawares . Bind , reduce under subjection . Accomplish or attain (journey , village).
गुठळी , गुठोळी , गुटोळी : A clot , lump , mass (as of blood , of curd in milk). A ball , gathering , knot (as of the pile or nap of cloth). A lump of hardened fæces or scybala . A blind tumour or bump .
गोंडा : The tufted head (of Globe amaranth and other flowers). A full and swelling bunch or cluster ; a knot , knob , boss , tuft , tassel . गोंडा घोळणें To wag [the tuft or stump of] tail at . To attend upon servilely in hopes of getting something , to f
गांठ : A knot , also an entanglement , curl , snarl . A knot or knob in wood . A knot or joint as of a reed Encountering , coming upon , meeting . Ex . त्याची व माझी गांठ पडली Business or concern with , doing or dealing with . Ex . माझ्याशी गांठ आहे ; वॢच

English to Marathi dictionary

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English to Marathi translation dictionary

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Marathi to English translation dictionary

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Numbers to Marathi words

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