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Punjabi translation from Modern English to Punjabi dictionary online for the word far:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Far : dūr
Far-flung areas : ਦੂਰ-ਦੁਰਾਡੇ ਇਲਾਕੇ
Far-Sighted : ਦੂਰ-ਅੰਦੇਸ਼, ਦੂਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ
FARÁHUṈÁ ਫਰਾਹੁਣਾ To throttle , to ensnare ; to hang , to suspend , to let down by a rope .
FARAK ਫਰਕ Corrupted form the Arabic word Farq . Distance ; difference ; defect , vice:—farak áuṉá , farak ájáṉá , To deteriorate , to go back:—farkhoṉá , To be different , to differ:—diláṇ wichch fark áuṉá , To have a misunder- standing:—farak karná , To
FARÁKÍ ਫਰਾਕੀ A circingle , a girth .
FARAKKÁ ਫਰੱਕਾ Clearing up of the sky , shining out of the sun on a rainy day ; drying of the ground , clothes after rain ; a drill for boring iron:—farakká hoṉá , laggṉá , To become dry ; Pharká .
FARAṆG ਫਰੰਗ Corrupted from the English word Frank . Europe , France , England .
FARAṆGGAṈ ਫਰੰਗਣ A Euro- pean , an English man or woman .
FARAṆGGÍ ਫਰੰਗੀ A Euro- pean , an English man or woman .
BHAR ਭਰ Fulness , abundance , plenty ; force , stress ; an imperative of Bharná ;—ad . But , even ;—a . Full , whole , entire , all , whole , up to , as much , as far as , e . g . ser bhar , full one ser , umar bhar , during the whole of life:—bhar áuṉá ,
DAMÁ ਦਮਾ Asthma ; a plant (Fago- nia cretica):—patráwálá damá , A slender straggling thorny plant (Sola- num gracilipes) found Trans-Indus , in the Salt Range , and as far east as Lahore and Montgomery . In some places the small fruit is eaten ; in others
ḌAROK ਡਰੋਕ Running , a rush:—panhdí ḍarok paiṇdíle táíṇ . The run of a weaver is only as far as Paṇdílá .—Prov .
ḌEṆH ਡੇਂਹ The sun , a day ;—ḍeṇh bhár , (Pot . M .) The east:—ḍeṇh bhárá , Easterly:—ḍeṇh láh , The west:—ḍeṇh láhá , Westerly:—uṭṭhí pardesí , ḍeṇh waḍḍá áe ; jitthe tauṇ waṇjnáṇ , oho des paráe . Rise , stranger , the day is far advanced ; whither you h
DEṆH ਦੇਂਹ The sun , a day ;—ḍeṇh bhár , (Pot . M .) The east:—ḍeṇh bhárá , Easterly:—ḍeṇh láh , The west:—ḍeṇh láhá , Westerly:—uṭṭhí pardesí , ḍeṇh waḍḍá áe ; jitthe tauṇ waṇjnáṇ , oho des paráe . Rise , stranger , the day is far advanced ; whither you h

English to Punjabi Dictionary

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