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Sanskrit translation from Modern English to Sanskrit dictionary online for the word Brain:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Dvadasanta : The twelfth centre ; the twelfth centre is identified by some with the pituitary centre in the head , there being six centres in the brain , besides the six below the brain .
gordaM : brain
Kapalbhati pranayama a breathing technique aimed at cleaning the frontal part of the brain ; also called skull polishing - done through rapid breaths with more force on exhalation .
Kundalini : The coiled up energy at the base of the spinal column . Through practice of Raja Yoga (meditation) one hopes to awaken this energy to rise up along the spinal column and reach the inner brain . This experience produces super-consciousness . Un
la~NghanaM : ( brain ) stroke
Mahamati : one with big brain ( Ganesh )
masthaka . Brain .
mastiShkaM : brain
OORDHVARETA : A Yogi who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy .
Oordhvareta: a yogi who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy .
Sahasrara chakra : The “thousand-petalled lotus” of the brain . The highest center of consciousness , the point at which the spirits ( atma ) and the bodies ( koshas ) are integrated and from which they are disengaged .
sahasrara [ suhusraar ] : the highest yogic center located in the brain
URDHVARETAS : a Yogi in whom the seminal energy flows upwards to the brain and is stored up as Ojas Sakti or spiritual energy
मस्तिष्कम् mastishhkam brain

English to Sanskrit dictionary

English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English dictionary Online

Welcome to the World's largest and most popular free Modern Online English to Sanskrit dictionary & Online Sanskrit to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Sanskrit to English translation, English to Sanskrit translation, or Numbers to Sanskrit word conversion. The number of words available for search in online dictionary, has already reached 150,000 and is still growing. You can use it dictionary as a Thesaurus also. In addition to providing you the matching Sanskrit words for your search, it also gives you related Sanskrit words with their pronunciation.

You can use this dictionary in three ways : translate English words to Sanskrit, translate Sanskrit words to English, translate numbers to Sanskrit words. The aim of this site is to help you to learn Sanskrit words and Sanskrit numbers easily.

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Sanskrit to English translation dictionary

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1. Cut & Paste your Sanskrit words (in Unicode) into the box above and click 'SEARCH'. You can use our Sanskrit translator to type in Unicode Sanskrit.

2. If you are familiar with Romanised Transliteration (phonetic), you can select the 'Sanskrit to English translation' button above and start typing in English. While you type English letters phonetically, these will be automatically converted into Sanskrit letters.

Convert Numbers to Sanskrit words

To convert numbers to Sanskrit words, select the 'Number to Sanskrit Word' button, enter the number in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. Do not use separators, such as commas. The maximum number allowed is 999999999 (nearly one billion). This feature of our dictionary helps you to learn Sanskrit numbers very quickly.
