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Sanskrit translation from Modern English to Sanskrit dictionary online for the word Substance:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Akasha : “Not visible ;” ether ; space ; sky ; the subtlest of the five elements ; the substance that fills and pervades the universe ; the particular vehicle of life and sound ; the element from which the sense of sound ( shabda )–both speech and hearing
Asamavayi : Not intimately related ; a cause forming part of an effect ; not being the substance .
Atma ( Aathma ). The real Self , one's divinity , God , the substance of everything , the unseen basis , the spark of God within . The Atma is unchanging and immortal ; It does not die .
avyaakrita : undeveloped , unexpounded xiv ; elementary substance from which all things were created , considered as one with the substance of Brahma
Brahman : (1) the infinitesimal spiritual individual soul ; (2) the impersonal , all-pervasive aspect of the Supreme ; (3) the Supreme Personality of Godhead ; (4) the mahat-tattva , or total material substance .
Brahman – ( 1 ) the individual soul ; ( 2 ) the impersonal , all-pervasive aspect of the Supreme ; ( 3 ) the Supreme Personality of Godhead ; ( 4 ) the [ mahat-tattva , ] or total material substance .
Causal Ocean : The substance (originally a cloudlike darkness in one corner of the spiritual sky in Vaikuṇṭha) from which the material world is created . Prakṛti , material nature , resides eternally within it . To initiate the material creation , Lord Ma
Chitta : The subtle energy that is the substance of the mind .
draviNa : movable property ( as opp . to house and field ) , substance , goods ( m .pl . 14 , 12 ) , wealth , money ; essence , substantiality , strength , power ; of a Sâman ArshBr ; of a son of Vasu Dhara ( or Dhava ) ; of a son of Priithu ; of a mounta
DRAVYA , thing , object , substance , nine kinds of which are reckoned in the Nyaya philosophy , viz: prithivi , earth ; ap , water ; tejas , fire ; vayu , air ; akasa , ether ; kala , time ; dis , space ; atma , soul ; and manas , mind .
dravya : a substance , thing , object ; the ingredients or materials of anything ; medicinal substance or drug ; ( phil . ) elementary substance ( 9 in the Nyâya , viz ' { pRthivI } , { ap } , { tejas } , { vAyu } , { AkAza kAla } , { diz } , { Atman } ,
Dravya : Substance .
Dravyadvaita : Unity of substance or matter .
GANDHA , odor , smell ; fragrant substance ; fragrance ; perfume .
mahadyoniH : source of birth in the material substance

English to Sanskrit dictionary

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