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Punjabi translation from Modern English to Punjabi dictionary online for the word weed:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Weed : ਨਦੀਨ, ਜੜ੍ਹੀ-ਬੂਟੀ
Weed control investigation : ਨਦੀਨ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ ਜਾਂਚ
Weed-out : ਛਾਂਟੀ ਕਰਨਾ
Weeding : ਗੋਡੀ, ਨਦੀਨ ਕਢਣਾ
Weeding of record : ਰਿਕਾਰਡ ਦੀ ਛਾਂਟੀ
BÁTTHU ਬਾਥੂੱ A weed used for food when grain is scarce (Chenopo- dium album et murale ;) the name of a creek near Kangra .
BHUKAL ਭੂਕਲ The Asphodelus fistulosus buds of the earth , the leaves of which are like an onion , but without its bulb and smell . It is abundant as a field weed and grows among the crops , of the spring harvest . The seeds are ground and made into bread
BHÚKALÍ ਭੂਕਲੀ The Asphodelus fistulosus buds of the earth , the leaves of which are like an onion , but without its bulb and smell . It is abundant as a field weed and grows among the crops , of the spring harvest . The seeds are ground and made into brea
CHHEBAL ਛੇਬਲ A green slimy water weed .
CHOKÁ ਚੋਕਾ A wound made by piercing a small trident iron (used to pierce or prick mangoes or pieces of meat , &c . , before cooking) ; a person employed to weed a field ; in the first sense ; deṉá , márṉá .
DÁM ਦਾਮ The twenty-fifth part of a pice ; price , money ; a snare for catching birds:—dám biájí , khet piájí . Money borrowed on interest (as bad as) the piájí (bhugáṭ) weed to a field ; Damm .
DAMIYÁ ਦਮੀਯਾ A small spinous weed (Fagonia cretica .) common in most parts of the Panjab plains . The plant is given as a febrifuge and tonic , and in the Peshawar valley it is administered to children as a prophylactic against small-pox .
DÁṆT ਦਾਂਤ A tooth . Sce doṇd ;— A weed (Baliospermum Indicum) common at places in the Panjab Siwalik belt and Cis and Trans-Indus . Its seeds are cathartic , and probably furnish greater part of the Jamálgoṭá of the drug- sellers .
DHAMÁ ਧਮਾ A small spinous weed (Fagonia cretica) common in most parts of the Panjab plains . The plant is given as a febrifuge and tonic , and in the Peshawar Valley it is administered to children as a prophylactic against small-pox .
DHAMṈÍ ਧਮਣੀ A common garden and field weed (Portulaca oleracea , Portulaca satịva) found in the plains . It is often eaten as a pot-herb , especially in times of scarcity . The fresh leaves are used as a cataplasm in erysipelas . The seeds are considered

English to Punjabi Dictionary

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